50 Centuries’ Interpretation Centre

The 50 Centuries’ Interpretation Centre features artifacts from several local prehistoric cultures. There are two archaeological sites relating to the Maritime Archaic Indians, including the Big Droke living site and the Caines tool production site, which date to approximately 4500 BP. The site also exhibits artifacts from the Groswater Paleoeskimo

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Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Museum

Once the Cottage Hospital in Norris Point for sixty years, the building now houses the local public library, a massage therapy clinic, a small hostel and a studio which is rented out for events like quilting and exercise classes.

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Burgeo Centennial Memorial Museum

Housed in the former community library, the museum focuses on the 400 year old history of Burgeo and the surrounding area. The French were the first to settle in Burgeo during the late 1700’s, followed by the English between 1790 – 1796. At that time, the town’s existence focused mainly

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Cape Ray Lightkeepers House

The third in a series of lighthouses at Cape Ray, this structure was established in 1871 to serve fishers and sailors along this part of the French Shore from the hazards of the rocky shoreline. Although no visitors are permitted in the automated lighthouse, visitors may visit the on-site interpretation

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Cercle des Mémoires Musée

Experience the lifestyle of French Newfoundlanders as you are guided through this museum by bilingual interpreters. View the artifacts exhibit and enter into the everyday life of the first people to live in the three French communities of the Port au Port peninsula: Mainland, Cape St. George and Black Duck

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Corner Brook Museum and Archives

The Corner Brook Museum and Archives officially opened on December 8, 1997. It is housed in one of the oldest buildings in the city, which was built in 1926 to house the post office, telegraph and customs office as well as the town’s court room. The museum exhibits the social,

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Dark Tickle Wild Berry Economuseum

The Dark Tickle Company is located in Griquet, on the Great Northern Peninsula in the province of Newfoundland, Canada. We manufacture jams, sauces, vinegars, teas, drinks and chocolates from unique wild berries. In June of 2002, The Dark Tickle Company became the first Economuseum in Newfoundland and Labrador. Born in

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Dr. Henry N. Payne Community Museum

Taking Pride in Our Past Located at the northern tip of Gros Morne National Park, Cow Head is home of the longest running museum on the west coast of Newfoundland. The museum exhibits an intriguing collection of artifacts including an axe used in the double axe murder of 1809, a

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French Rooms Cultural Center

Permanent settlement by European’s in the town of Port au Choix was prohibited under the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713. France was given exclusive rights to fish in this area of Newfoundland referred to as the “French Shore”. French fishermen were allowed here to catch and dry their fish, but

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French Shore Interpretation Centre

Located in Conche on the Great Northern Peninsula. Housed in a former Grenfell nursing station in Conche, the French Shore Interpretation Centre highlights authentic French sites scattered throughout the French Shore the communities of Conche, Croque and Grandois/St. Julien’s. The French Shore Historical Society was formed in February 2000 to

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