Grenfell Historic Properties

The Grenfell Historic Properties celebrate the presence of Sir Wilfred Thomason Grenfell in Northern Newfoundland and Labrador, and the impact that he and his worldwide mission had on the social, medical and economic climate of the early 1900’s. Equally, the properties tell the story of the evolution of Northern Newfoundland

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Jacob A. Crocker House

Jacob A. Crocker House is a two-storey biscuit box style house built circa 1898 and is a representative example of an early twentieth century fisherman’s dwelling in this area and Western Newfoundland in general. The home was built by Jacob A. Crocker, Sr., grandson of George Crocker of Dorsetshire, England,

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Jenniex House

A typical salt box style house built in 1926. This was a common style construction for the 1920`s. It is located at Photographers Lookout as you enter Norris Point and has been there since it was donated and moved to this location in 1995 overlooking the beautiful Tableland Mountains. The

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Misery Point Fishing Livyer’s Station

This museum has a collection of artefacts and recreated rooms which show different aspects of the historical resident cod fishery in Foxtroots. The site itself has a number of restored architectural features and there are recreated structures on the landscape adjacent to the main property such as a root cellar,

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Nurse Myra Bennett Heritage House

Known throughout the province as “Florence Nightingale of the North,” Nurse Myra Bennett provided more than 50 years of nursing and medical services along the rugged coastline of the Newfoundland’s Northern Peninsula. The museum is located in the 1922 built two-story traditional house which was home to Nurse Bennett for

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Our Lady of Mercy Museum

The museum is located in the Rectory associated with Our Lady of Mercy Church. The church itself was consecrated in 1925. The Aguathuna limestone quarry was expected to develop and serve as the economic base for a small city. As a result, the church is the largest wooden structure in

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Port Au Choix Interpretation Centre

Located on the Viking Trail, this site showcases a 4,500 year old time capsule of rare importance. While prehistoric coastlines have long since slipped beneath the encroaching ocean, the raised shoreline and alkaline soil conditions at the site have combined to preserve rich vestiges of the ancient Maritime Archaic Indian,

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Railway Heritage Museum

Located in Port aux Basques, the Railway Heritage Museum reflects the voyages that began over 100 years ago and takes a walk back in time to recapture the importance of the railway, fishery and ferry service in Newfoundland’s history. Examples of Channel-Port aux Basques’ long and colourful heritage in the

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Railway Society of Newfoundland

The Railway Society of Newfoundland was created in 1987 when Baldwin Steam Locomotive #593, “Newfie Bullet”, was removed from Bowater’s Park to the Historic Train Site at Humbermouth, Newfoundland. The Railway Society of Newfoundland has accumulated the rolling stock, trackage, freight shed and site. Artifacts also include telegraph instruments, train

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Ramea Heritage Centre

Located off Newfoundland’s south coast, the centre contains the Senior Puffin Museum which celebrates the 400-year history of Ramea and its surrounding islands. Due to the islands well protected harbours and strategic location to the inshore fishing grounds, fishers and their families from communities along the south coast of Newfoundland

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