Clarenville Heritage Society Inc.

The Clarenville Heritage Society Inc. operates a volunteer based museum in the community of Clarenville in the former CN Railway station original built in 1942. The station building belongs to the Clarenville Shrine Club who restored the structure in the late 1990s and recently acquired Provincial Heritage Designation in partnership

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Coaker Bungalow Museum

The Coaker Bungalow is an early twentieth century residence located in the centre of the community of Port Union. It was built as the residence of Sir William Coaker, founder of the Fisherman’s Protective Union, and was the residence of Mr. Bailey, a longtime associate of Coaker’s, until 1994. The

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Colony of Avalon

Step back in time at the Colony of Avalon, settled in 1621 by Lord Baltimore. Admission includes archaeological dig site, Interpretation Centre, 17th-century gardens and Kitchen, conservation lab and award-winning gift shop. Experience Archaeologist for a Day hands-on packages. Nearby attractions and services include Lighthouse Picnics, Tetley Tea Room, dinner

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Conception Bay Museum

The museum is located in the former 1870 customs building. The first floor consists of exhibits showcasing the inshore Conception Bay fishery from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, complete with fishery implements and tools, and an exhibit concerning the Peter Easton, a seventeenth-century pirate who was based out of this

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Corner Brook Museum and Archives

The Corner Brook Museum and Archives officially opened on December 8, 1997. It is housed in one of the oldest buildings in the city, which was built in 1926 to house the post office, telegraph and customs office as well as the town’s court room. The museum exhibits the social,

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Crow’s Nest Military Artifacts Association

In 1987 the Crow’s Nest Officer’s Club established the Crow’s Nest Military Artifacts Association Inc., for the purposes of preserving and maintaining custody of its historic and military assets and memorabilia. Since its inception the Artifacts Association has framed, maintained, and photographed the artifacts, as well as performed other functions,

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Cupids Legacy Centre

Cupids is the site of Canada’s first English settlement—and that’s where the exhibits in our museum begin. Visitors are invited to follow our story through four centuries of evolving culture, struggle and achievement, told through multi-media, interactive and colourful displays—or through entertaining guided tours by knowledgeable staff. Exhibit highlights also

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Dark Tickle Wild Berry Economuseum

The Dark Tickle Company is located in Griquet, on the Great Northern Peninsula in the province of Newfoundland, Canada. We manufacture jams, sauces, vinegars, teas, drinks and chocolates from unique wild berries. In June of 2002, The Dark Tickle Company became the first Economuseum in Newfoundland and Labrador. Born in

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Dildo and Area Interpretation Center

The Centre provides interpretation of the 19th Century cod fish hatchery located on Dildo Island between 1889-1897. Aquariums and a touch tank also house different species of marine life. Outside, a small heritage fish room has been constructed, this includes a fishing stage, landing wharf and a fish drying flake.

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