Unique in its own right, Port Union is the “Only Union Built Town” in North America. Built in 1923, The Factory was home to the controversial newspaper “The Fishermen’s Advocate.” Today The Factory is used as an interpretation centre with banquet space on the third floor for conventions and special events.
The Factory has a display of artefacts and panels of text which chronicle Sir William Ford Coaker’s formation of the Fishermen’s Protective Union (FPU) in 1908. They also have a display of artefacts and equipment related to the Fishermen’s Advocate newspaper started by Coaker, which ran from 1910 to 1980.
Also on display is an industrial shipyard and ship-building display with documents and archival items related to the building industry in Port Union.
Run by the Sir William F. Coaker Heritage Foundation
Categories: Eastern, Regional Listings
The Factory
67 Main Street
Port Union, NL A0C 2J0