Located in panoramic Freshwater Bay and the birthplace of the last “Father of Confederation,” the Smallwood Interpretation and Kittiwake Coast Information Centre highlights the story of Joseph R. Smallwood, and his quest for confederation with Canada. The Centre showcases numerous artifacts from the Smallwood era such as campaign hats and a model of Churchill Falls. Likewise, a variety of Smallwood’s personal items are also on display through generous donations from the Smallwood family. These items include various books from his library, paintings, as well as academic diploma’s and degrees. In addition, the Centre accents Gambo’s rich industrial history through exhibits depicting the logging and railway industries. Also nearby is the Logger’s Memorial Park, which is located a short distance away in Murphy Station.
Location: Gambo (Along Route 220 on the shore of Freshwater Bay).
Admission: Adults $3.00, Seniors and Students $2.50, Children under 12 Free
Wheelchair Accessible
Gift Shop and Cafeteria Onsite
Categories: Eastern, Regional Listings
Smallwood Interpretation Information Centre
13 Station Road
Gambo, NL A0G 1T0