Red Indian Lake Interpretation Centre

Located in Millertown, nestled on the southeast shore of Red Indian Lake, the Red Indian Lake Interpretation Centre tells the story of the area’s history. This is where the Beothuk Indians once inhabited as their winter encampment. It was here where Demasduit (Mary March) was captured and then later returned for burial among her people following her death.

The Interpretation Centre has replicas of Beothuk tools and equipment, such as bead work, arrowheads and spears. There are also a number of scale models of archaeological digs from the area. The Centre holds a variety of full-size, reconstructed traditional Beothuk structures such as mamateeks and a smoke house on site near the Interpretation Centre.

Categories: CentralRegional Listings

Red Indian Lake Interpretation Centre

Milertown, NL 


(709) 852-4256

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