Woody Point Heritage Theatre

Formerly known as “Lord Nelson Orange Lodge #149”, the building the theater now occupies was constructed around 1908 in the very scenic West Coast community of Woody Point. Woody Point lies in the heart of beautiful Gros Morne National Park. The building was sold in 1985, and used by local

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Trout River Interpretation Centre

The Trout River Interpretation Centre is an interactive museum which has events such as Wave Over Wave and Passing The Time for tourists to come and enjoy during the summer season. You will find antiques, artifacts and memorabilia displayed that has been collected from museum curators and from the families

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Stanley Ford Property and Out Buildings

The Stanley Ford Home is a 20th century vernacular, white painted wooden dwelling with a low hip roof. It was constructed in 1947, upon Ford’s return to Jackson’s Arm after serving in the Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit during World War II. It has wood windows, doors and trims, and is

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Sisters’ Dream School Museum

The Sisters’ Dream School Museum offers visitors a glimpse of life from the early 1900s with a unique perspective of the Francophone roots of Mainland (La Grande Terre). Fishermen from France traveled across the waters from Red Island and built the one-room school house in 1910. The school also contained

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Roy Whelan Regional Heritage Centre and Archives

An impressive facility displaying the history of communities in the Humber Valley. Exhibits on logging, agriculture, transportation and community life in the valley are a must to see. Admission: Free. Donations welcome

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Rose Blanche Lighthouse

The Rose Blanche Lighthouse is located in scenic Rose Blanche, a 45km drive along Route 470 from Port aux Basques. Built in 1871 from a nearby granite quarry, this lighthouse stands as a proud sentinel of our shores. D and T Stevenson, lighthouse engineers from Edinburgh, Scotland, designed the original

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Ramea Heritage Centre

Located off Newfoundland’s south coast, the centre contains the Senior Puffin Museum which celebrates the 400-year history of Ramea and its surrounding islands. Due to the islands well protected harbours and strategic location to the inshore fishing grounds, fishers and their families from communities along the south coast of Newfoundland

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Railway Society of Newfoundland

The Railway Society of Newfoundland was created in 1987 when Baldwin Steam Locomotive #593, “Newfie Bullet”, was removed from Bowater’s Park to the Historic Train Site at Humbermouth, Newfoundland. The Railway Society of Newfoundland has accumulated the rolling stock, trackage, freight shed and site. Artifacts also include telegraph instruments, train

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Railway Heritage Museum

Located in Port aux Basques, the Railway Heritage Museum reflects the voyages that began over 100 years ago and takes a walk back in time to recapture the importance of the railway, fishery and ferry service in Newfoundland’s history. Examples of Channel-Port aux Basques’ long and colourful heritage in the

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Port Au Choix Interpretation Centre

Located on the Viking Trail, this site showcases a 4,500 year old time capsule of rare importance. While prehistoric coastlines have long since slipped beneath the encroaching ocean, the raised shoreline and alkaline soil conditions at the site have combined to preserve rich vestiges of the ancient Maritime Archaic Indian,

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