Situated precariously at one of the corners of the flat earth, the Museum of the Flat Earth welcomes tourists, visitors, and residents to view and contemplate its curious collection of artifacts. The museum sits at the intersection of fact and fiction and presents documents and objects that reflect the history of the Flat Earth Society within Canada, and some of the Society’s early members.
This small, unique museum was founded as a non-profit organization in January 2016 and was first opened in May 2016. It has however been years in the making – the Founder/Director, Kay Burns, has been exploring the history and ideas embedded within flat earth thinking and within the work of past advocates of flat earth societies since 2002. The materials that are presented within the Museum represent an evolving collection and display of artifacts and information relating to that ongoing research. At the core of flat earth thinking resides a dynamic desire to interrogate and question knowledge that we take for granted, and it offers a construct for critical inquiry. The Flat Earth Society of Canada began in 1970 in Fredericton, New Brunswick by a group of three professors/writers who encouraged the pursuit of ideas that challenge complacency and easy answers. Of course Flat Earth Societies were active long before that, specifically as an offshoot of the pursuits of the Zetetic philosophers of 19th century England. The Museum provides a forum to present those associated histories and to offer context to the origins of current flat earth thinking. In doing so, it allows for the cultural crossover that highlights certain intangible histories within Newfoundland and Fogo Island regarding how/why this region came to be known as one of the corners of the flat earth. The playful ideas featured within the Museum regarding the histories and origins of flat earth connections allow for multiple stories and interpretations to surface through dialog with the visiting public as they explore the displays and participate in the Museum’s programs.
The Museum of the Flat Earth is open for summer seasons on Fogo Island, along with special events and programming. The Museum Gift Shop carries a small, but special array of Flat Earth related items. Brewed coffee and coffee beans from Flat Earth Coffee Company available also.
Off-season visits by appointment
Categories: Central, Regional Listings
Museum of the Flat Earth
652 Main Road
Shoal Bay, Fogo Island, NL A0G 3Z0