Taking Pride in Our Past
Located at the northern tip of Gros Morne National Park, Cow Head is home of the longest running museum on the west coast of Newfoundland. The museum exhibits an intriguing collection of artifacts including an axe used in the double axe murder of 1809, a 700 year old walrus skull and stone tools used by aboriginal hunters over 4000 years ago. Exhibits also feature locally made functional and decorative items such as our hooked mat collection. Come visit and learn of the role of women, Dr. Henry N. Payne and our local history.
Local Handcrafted Items
Check out our assortment of local handcrafted items, traditional knitting and hooked mat kits in our Craft Shop
Hours Of Operation & Admission
Open daily during the summer months
Visit Veterans Memorial Park and ask about our outdoor guided tours of “The Head” & The Gros Morne Fall Fest
Admission Fee $5.00 – Children under 12…free
Craft Shop only…no charge
Among the American Tour Bus Association “places to see in Gros Morne”
Categories: Regional Listings, Western
Dr. Henry N. Payne Community Museum
143 Main Street
Cow Head, NL A0K 2A0