The Coaker Bungalow is an early twentieth century residence located in the centre of the community of Port Union. It was built as the residence of Sir William Coaker, founder of the Fisherman’s Protective Union, and was the residence of Mr. Bailey, a longtime associate of Coaker’s, until 1994. The Bungalow was opened to the public in 1995.
A large collection of artifacts, including a linotype machine, printing presses, and all original materials for the printing of a newspaper are currently on display at the “Factory,” which is operated by the Sir William Ford Coaker Foundation. There is also a large archival base with early documents from the Fishermen’s Protective Union and Sir William Coaker available for viewing upon request. Several pieces of farm equipment are also on display, including a John Deere Tractor from 1932 from the Fishermen’s Protective Union farm at “Paradise” near Port Union. The approximate number of objects in the collections includes over ten thousand individual pieces.
Port Union Historical Museum Association
$5.00 Adults; $2.50 for Children (6-12); Free, Children under six; $13.00 Family (2 Adults, 2 Children).
Admission fee includes a guided tour.
Categories: Eastern, Regional Listings