Botwood Flying Boat Museum

Botwood’s pioneer role in aviation spanned a period from 1921-1946. This museum houses photos, murals, and models which reveal that Botwood was an airport in the early 1920’s, that Charles and Anne Lindbergh were here in 1933, that we were the North American terminus for Transatlantic flights, and that we were an RCAF reconnaissance base during World War II. To entertain and challenge our visitors and give them a “feel” for aviation we have three flight simulators.
This museum is also the home to our Archive where visitors and researchers can easily access thousands of photos and archival items which document our fascinating and diverse history.
We also have the Botwood Heritage Center which has a separate entry here.

Admission: $4.00 for adults, $2.00 for students. Children 12 and under are free if accompanied by an adult. Admission to both museums is $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for students.

Categories: CentralRegional Listings

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